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Vibrant Broadband

is part of Meeker Cooperative Light & Power Association, one of the first electric cooperatives in the Midwest. We’ve always been at the forefront of new technology to benefit our members and communities.

Built to serve you!

In today’s hyper-connected world, where virtual meetings replace boardrooms, online classes substitute classrooms, and streaming services entertain us around the clock, reliable internet isn’t just a luxury; it’s an absolute necessity.

The frustration of unreliable service, including inconsistent technology, poor technical support, subpar customer service, slow downloads, dropped calls, lagging games, and buffering videos, is now a thing of the past. The internet is essential for a wide range of activities, from business operations to entertainment and education.

At Vibrant Broadband, we understand the pivotal role that dependable connectivity plays in our daily lives. As a Cooperative, we are deeply rooted in our community and recognize the significance of reliable internet access for everyone. Our mission is crystal clear: to ensure seamless online experiences for all.

We take immense pride in delivering brilliant internet service that surpasses expectations. Our commitment to your satisfaction is at the top of our list. From our friendly member service representatives to our highly skilled technicians, every member of our team is dedicated to providing you with top-notch internet and exceptional customer support

So why settle for anything less? Join us at Vibrant Broadband and discover the brilliance of internet service that goes above and beyond.

We began in 2018.

In 2018, VIBRANT Broadband began building its hybrid fiber optic and fixed wireless infrastructure. It is the first of its kind in Minnesota and the second of its kind in the U.S.

This hybrid system allows us to offer brilliant speeds throughout a wide-spread area.

The initiative to build broadband in rural Minnesota was bold, but bold is what VIBRANT Broadband is. We built an infrastructure that would allow us to serve as many people as possible as quickly as we could with a high-speed Internet connection.

VIBRANT’s hybrid infrastructure provides the fastest and most reliable connection, whether connected directly on our fiber route or wirelessly to one of our fiber-fed monopoles.

Vibrant Broadband provides fiber-fed Internet to businesses and residents of Meeker, Kandiyohi, Wright, Stearns, McLeod, and Renville counties in Central Minnesota.

You now have a choice.

Do you live in or near Atwater, Cosmos, Darwin, Dassel, Grove City, Eden Valley, Kingston, Kimball, Litchfield, Paynesville, or Watkins? We may have a high-speed Internet solution for you.

Since 1935, Meeker Cooperative brought reliable electricity to our Members and are now proud to be able to bring high-speed Internet to our region as a service to our Members and local communities, giving you a choice, you can rely on.

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Meeker Co-op Logo
Meeker Cooperative and VIBRANT Broadband is an equal opportunity provider and employer.